Thursday, October 12, 2006

Backbench Squarepants

The Queensland Government is fending off claims that Qld Parliament doesn't sit frequently enough. It has been revealed that this year Qld MPs will sit for a grand total of just 36 days.

That's right friends. Your elected representatives will spend less than one day a week in Parliament over the coming year.

So if you're not a minister and you don't have a portfolio to attend to, exactly what do you do for the rest of the year? Go to school fetes and the odd community fundraiser? Sit in your electorate office and masturbate like a demented chimpanzee? Seriously, I can not imagine what these people actually do with all the free time they must have.

Keep in mind also, that the extent of a backbencher's contribution to parliamentary proceedings is generally limited to sitting on his or her arse and obediantly repeating "hear hear" whenever a higher ranked colleague finishes a sentence.

We pay these people more than $100,000 a year...


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