Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Handouts for Hayseeds.

The Australian Government is extending drought assistance funding to another 44 farming regions. The increase will cost $650 million and will see almost half of all Australia's farmers become eligible for financial assistance.

Let's hear that again. Half of all the farmers in Australia will be eligible for Government handouts due to the ongoing drought...

So, because your business is completely unsustainable it's therefore up to the rest of us to prop you up until it rains. Is that it?

Have none of you ever questioned the intelligence of trying to grow crops on a barren bit of dirt in the middle of the driest continent on earth?

Why should we have to pay millions of dollars so you can live out some delusional bucolic fantasy that will never come true?

How long are we going to keep this up for? Does anyone really believe that if we give it another year or so it's going to magically start raining out west and everything will be OK? Just because we've got some sort of "proud history" of farming in this country doesn't mean we should just stick our heads in the red dirt and pretend that it can and will be that way forever.

Honestly, I'd rather my tax dollars go to some work-shy Playstation addict. At least I wouldn't have to hear him bitching about how tough his life is every time I turn on the TV.