Friday, August 25, 2006

Some Like It Rough

Jessica Alba has had a tooth knocked out and another one chipped while filming a sex scene for an upcoming movie in which she co-stars with comedian Dane Cook.

Alba described the incident thusly:

"We were smashing our faces together and it just happened. It's not the slowest, most romantic of love scenes."

Exactly how hard were these people snogging? I'm not ashamed to admit I've seen some pretty dodgy porn in my time but never have I seen anyone take a mid-coitus smack to the face that would be hard enough to dislodge teeth.

I seem to recall that Jessica Alba was in the headlines a while back for having been pashed by a chimpanzee at some sort of MTV function. Take a look at her latest on screen sex partner and see if you can detect a pattern emerging.

I rest my case.


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