Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Totally Oz

Not all the individuals are dead.

It was with great delight that I discovered that Denise "Ding Dong" Drysdale once turned up to the Logie Awards with an esky full of UDLs after having been frustrated with the slow service from the waiters the year before.

Apparently she got away with it by disguising the esky as an oversized handbag.

The Logie Awards as we all know are an excuse for insipid B-List personalities to pat each other on the back, attempt to convince themselves that soap opera is an art form, hand the Gold Logie to whoever is currently the most boring entity on the box then kick on into the night, maintaining their inflated sense of importance by hoovering back large amounts of cocaine at the after party.

Not for Denise. A six pack of UDLs in a cunningly camouflaged esky is more her style.

Something about the complete lack of pretension inherent in that type of behaviour softens my heart. Particularly when it took place at an event normally dominated by fevered egos and narcissistic nobodies. Can you imagine Lisa "Wingnut" McCune doing the same thing? Not fucking likely.

Can't we get Ding Dong some kind of award? The woman turned up at Australian TV's night of nights with an esky full of some of the cheapest, nastiest booze you can get. While everyone else was tossing their hair and sipping champagne, she was surrepetitiously knocking back the kind of stuff that is normally drunk in large quantities by 15 year old girls shortly before they get dragged into a bedroom for their debut shag before ending the night crying on the stairs smelling faintly of vomit, vodka and jism.


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