Friday, January 12, 2007

Look Who's a World Leader Now!

Over the years the members of the National Press Club in Washington DC have been addressed by their fair share of dignitaries, luminaries and assorted persons of significance.

An average of 70 luncheons each year provide a national forum for the views of Presidents, Prime Ministers, business and cultural leaders, members of the Cabinet and Congress.

It seems a famous Australian has been deemed worthy of being added to the list: Before we reveal who that is shall we take a look at some of the names that have addressed the NPC over the last 100 years or so.

1910 - Theodore Roosevelt - Former President of the United States

1911 - Sarah Bernhardt - Actress & Member of the French Legion of Honour.

1938 - Eleanor Roosevelt - First Lady of the United States & Social Justice Campaigner

1959 - Nikita Khrushchev - Chairman of the Soviet Union

1959 - Dwight Eisenhower - President of the United States

1959 - Fidel Castro - President of Cuba

1960 - Charles de Gaull - President of France

1961 - Adlai Stevenson - US Ambassador to the United Nations

1962 - Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil Rights Campaigner

1968 - Nelson A. Rockefeller - US Vice President, Governor of New York, Philanthropist & Businessman

1975 - Menachem Begin - Israeli Prime Minister

1977 - Henry Kissinger - US Secretary of State

1979 - Billy Graham - Evangelist

1987 - Bill Clinton - Governor of Arkansas. Future President of the United States

1992 - Boutras Boutras-Ghali - United Nations Secretary General

1994 - Nelson Mandela - President of South Africa

1995 - Margaret Thatcher - Former British Prime Minister

1996 - Yasser Arafat - Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation

2000 - Neil Armstrong - Former Astronaut

2001 - Hillary Clinton - Former First Lady. Senator for New York.

2006 - Ted Turner - Media mogul. Founder of CNN.

2007 - Bindi Irwin

Oh yes, the stage which has seen the passage of some of the most influential world leaders and revolutionary thinkers of the last century will next week be graced by Bindi Irwin.

The address will be part of Bindi's "whirlwind" tour of the United States which is designed to promote Australia and launch the eight year old's showbiz career in America.

As well as addressing the National Press Club, Bindi will appear on the Ellen De Generes Show and the Late Show with Dave Letterman. She will also be the guest of honour at a gala dinner in LA to be attended by the likes of Russell Crowe, Naomi Watts and Rupert Murdoch and will give two live performances with The Wiggles.

But don't worry. You can rest assured that the intensive campaign to turn the eight year old into an international superstar is completely her own idea and has nothing at all to do with a sleazy manager finding a new cash cow after his last one got killed by a stingray.


At 10:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, that's disgusting.

So they're getting an 8 year-old who clearly doesn't understand exactly why she's suddenly famous to read out a prepared statement as if she's presenting a class talk (a la the funeral).

I'm sure all the attendees will take home a lot of insight from that.

On another note, congrats on the comment spam above!

At 1:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good words.


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